Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Calvary of Making a Video Documentary

A pre-requisite on our Communication, Society, and Development Course with Mr. Felix Cabahug is the production of a case study to be presented in the form of an audio- visual presentation (AVP). I know that it’s a good training ground for me but still, it is a calvary. A calvary every communication student must undergo.
Calvary #1 Conceptualizing Ideas
The topic given to us is all about family communication and it is very broad. Our group goes through a series of argumentation and debate before we came up to a firm concept.
Calvary #2 Arranging ideas and planning the flow of the Video documentary
After having a firm concept, we are, in that moment, in dire need to plan of how we will present it. Having the solidity of concept to tackle, we must ground it into pieces to have an in-depth and critical analysis. We drafted an imaginary dummy, just like weaving the film strips in our mind.
Calvary#3 Searching for the informants to interview.
To look for a dysfunctional family, a teenage mom, a homosexual that is open to confess his/her everything and many other more sensitive subjects is really hard, more in talking to them over sensitive matters.
Calvary #4 The Greatest Hurdle… editing the movie
From importing all the required clips to windows movie maker, uploading and downloading, adding audio effects, titles and subtitles, effects and transitions and repeating this all from the very start either because the computer hanged up, compatibility error, and etc. in the history of doing this, we repeated it for over seven times or more.
Calvary #5 Saving the Movie
 It’s a very big file and merely impossible to be save. The scarcity of USB and abundance of virus piled up with our dilemma.
Calvary #6
We cannot please everybody and on the day of presentation, it is indeed an epic fail. And that’s the worst calvary.

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