Pork barrel is now null
and void, as if it never existed. But still, the damage has been done. Millions
of money from the country’s chest was lost. Millions of people have suffered
because millions of bills were placed in the pocket of the few.
Not all lawmakers have
done something anomalous but no matter how pure their hearts are on the stuff,
it is now illegal, and no one could violate it.
infrastructure projects, life insurance, and different assistance are just some
of the projects that are going to be stopped because of the court’s decision.
This decision could be favorable for many but
it is not for those beneficiaries.
The government had put a
much proper way to ease this thing. The lawmakers can still pursue their social
works and beneficiaries can attain their assistance but not through PDAF.
As what is stated in our
constitution, they can just only make a law or a place for those stuffs in the
process of budget allocation and just let the President, the executives, on his
jurisdiction, to veto or accept the proposed projects. This is more
constitutionally-based and proper.
Money is the root of all evil.
And it’s a delicate topic. The Supreme Court’s decision is fine as if uprooting
the root of the ever-flowering graft and corruption. Helping as you wish could
make you think of many ways. If there’s a will, there’s a way. There will
always be much more legal things to do in order to serve the public you are
ought to.
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