MARC ACE: defined
God never committed a mistake in His process of creating Humans. But in contrast of that truth, we often insist that nobody is perfect. This may sound confusing. However, the being that will be featured in this essay may not be the ideal, or the perfect, but one thing is for sure, God made him great.
M-an of 5 ft. I
know God never lacks of materials in building my physique. Yes, I’m short, is
that a big deal? Small are terrible, as an old adage suggest, but let’s face
the reality, I’m always underestimated. They just don’t know how huge the giant
existing inside of me is.
R-izal’s son- In
Bob Ong’s taxonomy of students, I can classify myself in this category. He
said, “ they are endangered species, straight “A” students, but well- rounded
not geeks, teacher’s pets but are not suckers, king of math, science and
English ( omit the math) but never lacks time on extra-curricular activities
and some sort of gimmicks” [translated].
C-hristian faith-
based. As an individual, I make sure I will not chase from God the pen as He
writes my auto-biography. I really enjoy portraying the role of Marc Ace and
His passion really delights me.

C-amaraderie and
peer collector. The best citation I treasure is the “Most Sociable” award, I
consider it better than numerous academic and extra-curricular awards I had
E-xcellent. I see
myself as an asset of excellence in the field of broadcast journalism. I will
never stop learning and will continue committing my life with my wife, my pen
and in my another woman, my skills.
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